

Born from a wistful longing for completeness, Saudade is about the passage of time. By using intricate overlays of decomposed materials, this series of photographs is an attempt to hold on to beautiful memories and desperately try to bring them back to life. A humbling feeling that explores the passage of time, what is left behind, and the love that remains.

Folds and Overlays

To evoke the passage of time photos were printed at full size, layered with decayed flowers and translucent fabric, and shot again. This process was repeated multiple times, giving elements like flowers and wires different depths, for a seamless overlay effect.

Fractures in time were created by using the reflection of light on different paper fold methods. I recreated a small representation of how light diffuses using different folding methods.

Single Fold

Double Folds

Triple Folds

Saudade was awarded a special mention of the jury for best photographs at the 30th Sursock Museum Salon d'Automne in Beirut.

Saudade was exhibited at the 30th Salon d'Automne of the Sursock Museum in Beirut.

To inquire about limited edition prints

I am always on the lookout for collaborations from small personal projects to large corporate contracts.

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Based in Vancouver, BC

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